Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Masjid Putra

[My little Musollah trip]

We are going to have a blast learning about the adaab and ethics in a musollah together.
For some children, they understand things better when they practice it in a group. Scaffold their learning process by giving them opportunities to practice what they have learned at home.
Don't forget to register your child for next year's session as the intake spots are limited!!!
For more information, call / WhatsApp i Brain Islamic Kids Center (013-335 7669) or visit http: //ibrainislamic.wix.com/ibrain or its FB account https://www .facebook.com/ibrainislamic
May Allah s.w.t. bless you.


Practice makes perfect

Don't forget to register your child for next year's session as the intake spots are limited!!!
For more information, call / WhatsApp i Brain Islamic Kids Center (013-6162507) or visit http: //ibrainislamic.wix.com/ibrain or its FB account https://www .facebook.com/ibrainislamic
May Allah s.w.t. bless you.




Friday, 28 August 2015



Let's not ignore explaining Merdeka to them. Its history is a true story in a storytelling. The meaning to their innocent hearts is about knowing, understanding and loving the country. Seeing them loving Malaysia means hopes to us . A hope that our country will have future leaders with true hearts. For the country, for the sake of Allah.

Don't forget to register your child for next year's session as the intake spots are limited!!!
For more information, call i Brain Islamic Kids Center (013-6162507) or visit http://ibrainislamic.wix.com/ibrain or its Facebook account https://www.facebook.com/ibrainislamic
May Allah s.w.t bless you

Art & Craft

 "What is my child doing at school today?" you may wonder on this beautiful Friday afternoon.

In shaa Allah, our dedicated team of teachers will have something fun planned for your child, just like this art and craft activity! You can totally do this at home too!

How about giving it a try?

-Enrichment beyond the classroom-

Enrolment for the School Year 2016 – 2017 is open with more pre-school slots available in LOT 2A-1, TPS 2/2, TAMAN PELANGI SEMENYIH 2, 43500 SEMENYIH, SELANGOR
For more information, call iBrain Islamic Kids Center or visit http://ibrainislamic.wix.com/ibrain or its Facebook account https://www.facebook.com/ibrainislamic

Monday, 26 January 2015

Tadika Terbaik Di Semenyih

Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera,

Pendaftaran 2016 - 2017 Tadika i-Brain Islamic Kids Center Telah Di Buka!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enroll now!!! Before registration close. Place is very limited...

Silibus pembelajaran yang efektif -merangkumi semua subjek dan pelbagai skill. Our method Developed in line with the National Education Philosophy, Kurikulum Standard Prasekolah Kebangsaan (KSPK). (Sains, BM, BI, Math, Agama dan etc)

*Keistimewaan i-Brain Islamic Kid Center:

Kami Menawarkan Konsep Pembelajaran Terkini Mengikut Kaedah e-Xra. e-Xra ialah singkatan kepada 'eclectic-Express reading approach'. Ia merupakan satu teknik membaca cepat melalui pengecaman bunyi suku kata tanpa perlu mengenal huruf dan mengeja. Kanak-kanak membaca sejurus mengenal dua suku kata yang pertama. Kaedah ini memudahkan guru mengajar anak-anak membaca dengan lebih berkesan, sistematik dan cepat! Anak anda juga boleh mempelajari bahasa Inggeris melalui nasyid pendidikan. e-Xra Educational Nasyeed and Nursery Rhymes adalah nasyid pendidikan bahasa Inggeris yang pertama di Asia

Jangan ketinggalan! e-Xra merupakan satu-satunya kaedah cepat baca di Malaysia yang mendapat ANUGERAH REKACIPTA 2003 dari Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi. e-Xra C.E.P.A.T. juga telah berjaya merangkul PINGAT EMAS di 5th Invention/ Inovation Competition 2006 yang dikendalikan oleh Kementerian Sains, Teknologi & Inovasi. Teknik Yang Membantu Anak-Anak Anda Cepat Membaca. Kami juga PAKAR dalam Doa hafazan, surah & Iqra, Zikir harian dan Solat Dhuha adalah aktiviti wajib setiap pagi. InsyaAllah kami mendidik anak anda untuk Kesejahteraan Dunia & Akhirat..  

NURSERY SCHOOL: 2-3 YEARS (playschool)

#Monthly Fees yang murah tapi pembelajaran TERBAIK di ASIA :
Half Day (Tadika Only) - RM 230
Full Day (Tadika + Daycare) - rm350
----->> Daycare & Transit disediakan (2 yrs-10 yrs old)

Jom Daftar Anak Anda di i-Brain Islamic Kids Center

Pn Aida 0136162507 (call,sms,whatsapp)

Thursday, 15 January 2015

i-Brain Islamic Student reading in bahasa (video 1/2)

Tadika Terbaik Di Semenyih

Jom Daftar Anak Anda di Tadika i-Brain Islamic Kids Center

Pn Aida 0136162507




Pelajar i-Brain ini baru berumur 4 tahun dan baru belajar di i-Brain selama 5 bulan. Semasa memasuki i-Brain pelajar ini berumur 3 tahun 7 bulan. Hasilnya Alhamdulillah, cukup menakjubkan.