Usually you exchange your time with money. At your specific level, the more time spent to work, the more money you earn. With GOLD, your money works for you.
Remember the life expectancy is increasing due to advancement in health technology, population is exploding, hence no government will be able to fund pensioner.
Making sure that your family and all the love ones will never ever be struggling ever again financially.
It is renowned as a hedge against inflation which is a very consistent factor that influences the GOLD price.
The asset class of your GOLD will always be at an intrinsic value meaning it will never be just a worthless piece of paper.
You can help your favorite charity or even start your own charity and make a significant contribution to community. Work up your legacy in whatever your cause is.
Live beyond your imagination. Unless you win a lottery or your parent (or somebody else) are filthy rich and you inherited all their money, investing is your only way to achieve financial freedom.
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