Friday, 18 January 2013

Personalized Service

Your dedicated Adviser is at the heart of your experience with us. He or she is the foundation of our long term relationship with you, able to convey the latest solution, advice and other benefits in managing your monthly necessity.

Throughout your journey with us, your Associate Manager will not only understand your financial affairs, but also your needs and preferences as a unique individual.

Trust your Adviser to:
  • Be trained and fully supported by our team of in-house experts and user-friendly financial tools
  • Understand you through regular financial health checks and portfolio re-balancing reviews
  • Oversee your relationship with us and assist you in your monthly needs and enquirers
  • Introduce relevant and comprehensive enhanced programs and services
  • Because no one is alike, your solutions are carefully selected by your Associate Manager after fully understanding your needs.
This means that each solution is tailored to provide you with maximum results to meet your financial goals

Advisory service

Your Adviser has the unified support of our team of in-house experts who continuously develop products and services that are exclusively for our loyal customers. Our in-house experts are leaders in their fields who work behind the scenes to provide the latest news and analysis. By tapping into their expertise and proven track records, we can provide you with the timely knowledge necessary to make informed decisions about your lifestyle in financial management from a local and regional perspective.

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